Willow bark extract
The willow bark extract contains – among others - salicin and polyphenols. Willow bark extract has antimicrobial and skin-softening properties.
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Vyhnite sa oblasti očí. Opláchnite.
The willow bark extract contains – among others - salicin and polyphenols. Willow bark extract has antimicrobial and skin-softening properties.
The distillate of witch hazel has a toning and soothing effect on the skin. Therefore, witch hazel water is a suitable component of facial cleansing products.
Liquorice roots stand out in particular thanks to the glycyrrhizic acid salts contained in them and due to their long-chain sugars. Aqueous liquorice root extracts have a softening and anti-microbial effect on your skin. This makes them well suited for use in deodorants.